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Empowering God's People
to Reach the Next Generation

Next Generation IMPACT is a church-strengthening ministry. Our focus is empowering and equipping the local church to reach children outside the walls of their buildings.

Next Generation IMPACT
helps you reach kids
for Christ.

Through our resources and ministries

children can...

Kids in Church

Build a relationship with Jesus

Begin a path of godliness for years to come

Learn how to share their faith with the world

Who We Are

Next Generation IMPACT is a 501(c)3 non-profit foundation that empowers and equips believers, churches, and Christian groups to reach the next generation for Jesus.


We provide strategic curriculum, a proven framework, and ongoing support to help churches host school and community programs for children such as IMPACT KiDS! after school Bible clubs. These efforts lead to life-changing relationships, strong Christian values, and a positive impact on the next generation!


All of our ministries, resources, and trainings are apologetics-based. We help children learn how to stand for their faith and defend their faith in simple, everyday language.


With your help, we can make sure the next generation is prepared to know, live, and stand for Christ!

Children and volunteers sing and clap at an after school Bible club.

Next Generation IMPACT provides

What Makes Us Different

We seek partnerships with like-minded churches, organizations, and individuals who want to reach and teach the next generation to know and live for Jesus.

Strategic Curriculum
  • Gospel-centered: Every lesson has the Good News of Jesus at its core and seeks to lead the next generation to understand how to have a relationship with Him.

  • Discipleship-focused: Every teaching, program, and event has personal spiritual growth as its goal.

  • Apologetics-based: Every lesson gives ample defense of the Gospel in simple, everyday language that’s easy for children to understand.

  • Relevant: Every lesson is written in a way that is relatable and relevant to the lives of the kids of today.


We believe Jesus ordained the church to carry the Gospel, not just specific organizations, staff, or missionaries. Next Generation IMPACT is a proponent of the anchor church concept, meaning churches who have experienced the blessings of God can seek to share them and positively influence other ministries and congregations.


We equip volunteers and leaders to be the hands and feet of Jesus. Because all churches, church members, and followers of Jesus have the ability to strengthen evangelism, discipleship, and apologetics, and become the church outside the walls.






Stay Connected

We want to keep in touch to share about our latest ministries, partnerships, and exciting announcements about how we’re bringing the Good News of Jesus to kids all across America!

Profile of a young girl whose eyes are closed in prayer
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678-561-KIDS (5437)



All logos and content are property of Next Generation IMPACT, 2024.

Next Generation IMPACT is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization (EIN: 83-3560708).







Headquarters: Sulphur, Oklahoma

Operations and Mailing Address: PO Box 1082, Monroe, Georgia 30655 


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